A bit about Joel…

As far as woodworking goes, you could say I had a bit of a predisposition for it as I was both the son of a carpenter and raised in Americus, Georgia. And while that is not exactly a maker’s Mecca, it was the birthplace of Habitat for Humanity, where both my parents worked. And in that community, there was one singular mission that everyone shared: building homes to help people. It was a simple and profound culture and I’d have never guessed that it would help lay the groundwork for what ultimately became my passion in life.

In all the years of helping my dad and others do construction, slowly but surely I found myself gravitating toward cabinetry and furniture. About 12 years ago, I built my first piece of furniture and the obsession began. In that same span of time, I’ve lived in many places, held down many jobs, married, and had three sons, but for all the personal evolution, furniture making has remained a constant passion.

I’m very pleased that after aspiring to this for so long, the hard work and years of tiny, incremental progress have allowed me to fulfill this phase of my dream. There are far too many people to thank for lending support, sharing experience, and trusting my work; I certainly did not get here on my own.

So here we are; ready to provide traditionally made furniture and custom cabinetry out of Louisville, Kentucky to wherever you fine folks may be.